Monday, March 26, 2012

Before go to the gym

It is so important to know this things before start go to the gym .
First you have to determine the reason why you want to go to the gym , is it for :
.Lose weight
.Gain weight
.Get some muscle
.Stay in good shape
. ...
What ever what is for you have to put your goal first because each case have different ways.
Good after you determine your goal you are going to need a plane including workouts, diet.
Well lets talk about losing weight :
It's so simple, this ways i tried it whit my trainee in the gym and it always work and its about how much you want to loos in a week i will give you my ways to lose weight  in details in other post but now i will give you the basics :
First  your diet should include less carbohydrate and more protein and of course vitamins and no fat and no sugar
.your carbohydrate source should be from pure grain( bread, pasta.....), potato, rice(brown rice better).
.your protein source i prefer white meat(chicken, turkey) in loos weight diet , fish, white eggs.
.your vitamins, i always tell my trainee to take multivitamin and of course fruit except (bananas and grapes,figs, mango), and vegetables.
.liquids : you should drink a half of your weight in pounds of ounce liquid ex( your weight is 200 pound you should drink a 100 ounce of liquids) try to make water 80 % or 90% of your daily liquids ,you can drink coffee and tea but with no sugar , juice just fresh no Preservatives , and 0% fat milk .
second your workout program , i will give my loosing weight program whit loosing weight diet in details but now i'll give you the basics
.more cardio
.more reps  for ex 10 to 15 reps depend on what muscle you workout
. ....

To gain weight 
Your diet its what all about ,you have to make your daily calories more then 2000 for ex your daily calories is 2000 and you want to gain 1 kg it about 2 pounds you have to make your daily calories 3000, and this calories should be from more carbohydrate about 60% carb's and 30% protein and 10% fat, and your fat source should be just from meat milk olive oil.
Workout program :
. less cardio
. less rep and more weight
. focus , form , tempo
To get some muscle 
This one is a little bit complicated and you have to be focus with your diet and your workout program
the diet for ex if you want to get 6 pack and good looking body you have to 50% carb's and 50% protein and no fat no sugar but you workouts should be
. more cardio
. less rep and more weight
. focus on form and tempo is so so important

To stay in good shape
Just make it simple , watch your fat source, eat healthy more fruits more vegetables, meat and pasta staff like that its just how about you cook it always cook healthy, use olive oil .....
your workout make it simple too,
. do cardio exercise at least 10 to 20 min
. weight exercise, just do it the simple way ..3 sets each set 10 reps and like that ..
30 to 40 min in the gym its enough to make you in good shape
I will talk about each case in details ,diet you need ,workout programs ...and let me tell its not that hard what ever your goal is but just try always to do it the right way and do not follow the TV SHOWS they are not gonna help you and always there is a warning message at first to do not do it that way so you need personal trainer and i'am going to give you that and always remember you can contact me at anytime .

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